Don’t forget about your teeth, or they’ll forget about you!
Bridges are a great option for patients that need to replace missing teeth. A bridge uses the teeth on either side of the missing tooth as support posts, to allow a tooth to be made in between. The dentist prepares the surrounding teeth as if they are receiving a crown, in order to have a support system for the bridge. A bridge is then fabricated to fit the teeth with an added tooth for the missing space. The dentist may use gold alloys, porcelain bonded to metal, or an all ceramic material. The choice of material depends on patient preferences, requirements for strength, wear, and/or esthetics.
It is very important that a missing tooth be replaced as soon as possible. Teeth shift their position if there is not something holding them in place. The sooner a tooth is replaced, the better the outcome for the patient. We want to see that your teeth stay healthy, and continue to shine for many years. If you have suffered from tooth loss call Haggerty Dental today, your health is our priority.